Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dentist in West Chicago - The Halloween Sweet Tooth

October is finally here and soon approaching, is Halloween. As much as the dentist West Chicago would love for patients to choose healthier options for Halloween treats, it is inevitable that they will choose to eat candy and sweets. So the dentist West Chicago IL has provided you with a few tips on how to keep a healthy smile for you and your family this Halloween.

The Negative Effects of Candy
As delicious as candy can be, it can have a negative effect on teeth. When you eat sweets, it coats your teeth with a clear sticky substance called plaque which contains bacteria. The bacteria in plaque feeds off the sugar you consume and creates acid which attacks your teeth after you eat. Over a period of time, this can result in tooth decay, cavities and even tooth loss.  

With a regular trip to your dentist in West Chicago, you should be able to prevent tooth decay from progressing. But if cavities do form, be sure to see the Dentist in West Chicago IL right away to prevent any additional damage that can occur to your tooth or to relieve any discomfort you may feel.

Healthy Teeth Tips for Halloween:
Here are a few suggestions for keeping yours and your family’s teeth healthy this Halloween season:

1.      To your basket of candy, mix in some Halloween-themed pencils or stickers. You will be surprised to see how many children choose these items over candy.
2.      When enjoying candy, try to avoid the gooey or chewy ones that can linger on teeth after eating.
3.      After eating candy, try to brush or rinse your mouth with water to remove any leftover sugar in the mouth. The bacteria in the mouth can attack your teeth up to 20 minutes after consumption, which can lead to tooth decay so it is important to remove it as soon as possible.
4.      After the first day of receiving candy, try to get rid of any leftovers. Eating candy once every day can really affect the health of your teeth and increase the amount of attention they need to be cleaned.

Overall, it is important to practice proper oral care. Children usually follow the footsteps of those who set positive healthy habits so be sure to talk with your children about the importance of practicing a twice-a-day brushing and flossing routine. Your West Chicago Dentist can also provide different options to help keep your child’s teeth healthy, such as dental sealants or fluoride rinses. If you have any questions about maintaining a healthy and clean smile for you or your family, be sure to contact your West Chicago IL dentist for more information.

Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company

Dentist in West Chicago - Stained Teeth

Many people want a smile they can be proud of and one way to achieve a dazzling smile is to have pearly white teeth. However, in order to maintain a bright smile, the Dentist West Chicago says you should be mindful of the types of things you consume. Because of certain factors, some foods or beverages can create harsh stains on your teeth that over time can be difficult to remove.

When considering foods that can stain teeth, be sure to look out for dark pigments. Some foods or beverages stain teeth because they have an intense amount of pigmented molecules that the Dentist West Chicago IL call chromogens. These chromogens latch on to dental enamel and cause your teeth to become discolored.

Another thing to look out for is foods or beverages that are very acidic. Acidic foods and beverages can cause staining by eroding the dental enamel which temporarily softens teeth and makes it easier for chromogens to latch on.

One rule of thumb for determining whether or not what you’re eating will stain your teeth is to determine if it will stain your white table cloth or carpet. Some of the main foods or beverages to consider would include, wine, coffee, cola, berries, sauces (such as soy sauce, curry sauce, or tomato sauce), and sweets. Also another main culprit for staining teeth is smoking or chewing tobacco.

Even if you consume dark pigmented or acidic foods, just know that there are a variety of options to help you achieve a pearly white smile. One option that can help prevent stains on your teeth would be to brush and floss twice-a-day. To brush more effectively, be sure to ask your West Chicago Dentist about electric tooth brushes. The electric toothbrush gives you the ability to clean your teeth and to help remove any stains or residue more thoroughly. Also be sure to ask your West Chicago IL dentist about teeth whitening treatments that can be provided in office or at home.

Blog maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dentist West Chicago - Sensitive Teeth

When you eat hot or cold food does it make you wince? How about brushing or flossing your teeth, do you feel any pain? If so, you may have a condition of sensitive teeth. For many people, having sensitive teeth is common. However, if you have sensitive teeth frequently or it really bothers you, then you may want to visit your west chicago dentist to determine if it is a result of a more serious condition.

The west chicago il dentist commonly see sensitive teeth affecting many people. It tends to develop over time and gradually creates hypersensitivity when using or caring for your teeth. Sensitivity is caused by an exposure of dentin which lies under the enamel of your teeth. Dentin is a soft tissue that is made up of small hollow tubes and canals and is near the nerves and cells inside your tooth. Once food particles or temperature reaches the exposed dentin, it then creates a surge of pain or sensitivity. 

Sometimes sensitive teeth can be caused by a variety of dental conditions. If you are brushing too hard or tend to grind your teeth at night, that may cause your teeth enamel to wear out and expose the dentin. Or if you have a gum disease such as gingivitis or if you have receding gums, then the gum tissue can become weaken or inflamed which then also causes the exposure of dentin. Be sure to see the dentist west chicago regularly to help ease the pain of sensitivity.  

Sensitive teeth can be easily treated by changing your tooth paste that will help block the sensation of sensitivity from your teeth. Or if you feel that your situation may be more severe, then asking your dentist west chicago il for suggestions of treatment would also be helpful. 

However proper oral hygiene is the first step in preventing sensitive teeth. Your dentist in west chicago would be able to provide more information about how to properly maintain a healthy mouth.

Blog Maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company

West Chicago Dentist - Periodontal Disease

In our mouths, we have numerous forms of bacteria. Some are helpful and some are harmful. Bacteria in the mouth can be helpful because it helps to sanitize the mouth and breaks down food particles. However, too much bacteria can lead to the development of gum disease which can be damaging to your oral health.  

When the bacteria start to collect in the mouth, it can create a sticky colorless substance known as “plaque” that sticks on to your teeth. If the plaque is not removed during brushing or flossing, the particle can harden and turn in to tartar. Over time, plaque and tartar becomes more difficult to remove at home so a professional cleaning with the west chicago dentist is important for maintaining your oral health and preventing decay and periodontal (gum) disease.

The longer the plaque and tartar remain on the teeth, the more harm they can cause to your oral health. Eventually plaque and tartar will create a mild form of gum disease called Gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gum tissue. Ideally, routine cleanings and proper oral care can prevent gingivitis from developing. Once gum disease is prevalent, only your west chicago il dentist can help to maintain the disease and prevent it from progressing. 

In cases where gingivitis is not treated, it can then advance to periodontal disease. With periodontal disease, the inflammation now affects the soft tissue (gums) and the tooth and if left unattended, it can cause the tooth to loosen or fall out. 

Having periodontal disease also can affect your overall bodily health. In many studies, there have been connections with periodontal disease to diabetes and heart disease. It is important to regularly see the dentist west chicago for a routine, professional cleaning and examination to prevent gum disease.

With periodontal disease, the dentist west chicago il has solutions to help you prevent and maintain gum disease. A common solution for controlling periodontal disease is a deep dental cleaning, which can be performed by your dentist in west chicago or certified hygienist.

Blog Maintained by Identity Dental Marketing Company